January 24, 2010

Separation Anxiety

We find ourselves alone again, with just this glowing screen staring back. My new best friend has returned to school two hours away, after a month of fun, games and heartache. The withdrawals have begun, a need for interaction is subdued by the distance. And so life goes on but slower, quieter, less. The fears of real life are mounting as I try my hardest to live in the moment. My dreams are clouded with images of diving off cliffs and candy, my life is clouded and shrouded in similar similes. I’m waiting for the next best thing but its not really coming fast enough, bidding my time leads to biting my nails. I feel a mess and have taken to dancing out all my emotions so I can be left in a melancholy daze. I stare off into the vortex of MTV, smiles elude me, the only action my mouth has taken to is jaw clenching. I feel lonely and find no relief in the trickling of the rain and river outside the house. I’ll take a sleeping pill and hope I wake to a new dawn where things will be a little clearer and filled with more cheer.


abroome4287 said...

i love you tea you're my best friend and i put on my gloves you made me today and smelled those too.

Doug The Una said...

Hey, that's a nice photo. Good to see you again.

Bathwater said...

Does anyone really watch MTV still? I notice I've been jaw clenching when my teeth feel loose at the end of the day.

Rio said...

tea! you're so silly

Doug: Yeah i figured it've been hidden long enough

Bathwater: People watch MTV there's just no music